1. Jeffrey
Jeffrey: "Peace of God" (German)
We found 1,788 names that contain the meaning "peace".
Discover the top ten names matching the meaning "peace", sorted by relavent and popularity.
Jeffrey: "Peace of God" (German)
Olivia: "Olive tree" (Latin origin), symbolizing resilience, longevity, and peace.
Noah: Hebrew for "rest" or "comfort," implying safety, stability, and inner peace.
Olive tree, symbolizing peace, harmony, abundance, wisdom, growth, fertility, prosperity.
Irene: Greek for "peace"
Fred: "Peaceful ruler" or "prince of peace" (Germanic origin)
Jeffery: Pledge of peace (Germanic)
Callum: Dove (Gaelic origin); Symbolizes peace, love, hope, strength, and authority.
Jonah: "Dove," symbolizing peace, hope, love; biblical figure associated with forgiveness, redemption.
Mila means "gracious, dear, or peace" (Slavic origin).