1. Kassidy
Irish origin, meaning "curly-haired" (derived from "caiseide")
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Irish origin, meaning "curly-haired" (derived from "caiseide")
Cosette: French origin, meaning "little thing" or "little one," diminutive of Colette, itself a diminutive of Nicola, ultimately derived from Greek Nikolaos meaning "victory of the people."
Curly-haired (Irish origin)
Cozette: French origin, meaning "little thing"
Guste: Baltic (German origin), meaning "good" or "nice."
Kassidi: Helper of mankind (Greek)
Cassidi: "Curly-haired" (Celtic)
Cassidee: Irish, meaning "clever" or "alert"
Curly-haired or brave in battle (Irish origin)
Cassadee: enchanting blend of "falling water" and the iridescent gemstone cassiterite.