1. Dayana
Dayana: Arabic for "bright as the sun" or "light of the sun"
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Dayana: Arabic for "bright as the sun" or "light of the sun"
Dayanna: Hebrew, "God is my judge"; African, "compassionate"; Persian, "wise"
Tyanna: "flower of dawn" or "flower of the sun" (Greek)
Greek: Princess Etruscan: Goddess Lydian: From Tyana (city in Cappadocia)
Dyan: Divine, Consciousness, Light
Dyana: Divine (Sanskrit)
Dyanna: Roman goddess of the hunt; strength, independence, nature, detail-oriented, compassionate. Sanskrit: meditation, introspective.
Sky, heavens, celestial connection.
Teyana: Spiritual wisdom, connection to nature, gentle spirit
Tiyana: Wisdom, knowledge, understanding (African origin)